The Importance of Meal Planning: 3 Reasons it Works for Weight Loss

Three Reasons Meal Planning Works for Weight Loss

Save Time

Between grocery shopping, preparing food, and planning meals for the week, we spend a lot of time thinking about food, shopping for food, and cooking. Meal plans not only allow you to make less trips to the store, but also free up the time you would spend making the list and contemplating what meals you’re in the mood for during the week. If you don’t like eating the same thing every day, meal plans can be even more beneficial. If your meal plan allows store bought food, your shopping trips will be short – easy – and preplanned.

Eat Healthier

Meal plans also teach portion size and balance. You don’t have to measure portions or weigh your food, and you wont have to guess how many calories you’re consuming. Portion sizes are out of control in fast food and in the standard American diet. We’re often eating twice or three times as many calories as we need- and very little of anything with nutritional value. Meal plans can make sure that you are getting the recommended calories and nutrients.

Save Money

When you grocery shop and impulse buy, that’s a lot of wasted food over time. Especially if, like a lot of people, you buy fruits and vegetables with the best of intentions but end up reaching for processed food because its easier to prepare. By reducing your impulse buys and not throwing food away on a meal plan, you’ll both save money and help the environment.