Secrets to Long-Lasting Weight Loss

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Over the years there have been may popular fad diets. Trendy diets promise instant, radical, and often unobtainable results. These diets often limit your food choices and harm your metabolism and health. Weight loss is rarely ever quick or easy. Our medically supervised weight loss program looks at more than just your weight.

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Can eating brown rice prevent diabetes?

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Swap white rice for brown rice for your next meal! Substituting white rice with brown rice can lower your risk of diabetes according to recent studies. Those at risk for diabetes should pay careful attention to the carbs in their diet. In addition to containing more nutrients and fiber, substituting white rice for brown rice 20 percent of the time can reduce your risk of developing diabetes by 16 percent.

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Nutrition and Weight Loss

Are your vitamin deficiencies hindering your weight loss? Does taking certain supplements help you lose weight? Our patients often have many questions about nutrition and weight loss. Our dietitian, Cheryl Francis, can make sure you are getting all of the proper nutrition you need for your health.

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Proven Success: Why Medical Weight Loss Programs Work

The purpose of the program isn’t just to promote weight loss, it is also to improve conditions such as heart disease, type two diabetes, and other ailments associated with obesity. Dr. Korbey, who earned his medical degree from Georgetown University, designed the program using his medical knowledge and around his own weight loss success.

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Support Group

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At Transition Weight Loss, we believe community is an essential aspect for our program. Due to the success and popularity of our previous support group meetups, we’ve decided to make this aspect a permanent fixture. Enlisting family and friends in your weight loss journey can help keep you motivated and maintain your success, and our group meetings offer you the opportunity to meet with other patients and gain insight and support from each other.

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