Superfoods That You Have to Try

Superfoods That You Have to Try

We have probably all heard of the term superfood throughout our weight loss journeys. However, you may find yourself wondering what exactly is a superfood. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the term is believed to have originated in the early 20th century as a way to market bananas. Since then, superfood has grown to include a variety of nutrient-dense foods. As the world has become more and more globalized, new foods from all over the world are added to this list, giving people even more foods to choose from that are both heart-healthy and delicious!

Below you will find a list of superfoods. Many of the foods are old favorites while others have recently sprung up in popularity. However, all of them pack in some surprising health benefits.

Fermented Foods

Fermented foods like yogurt, kimchi, and sauerkraut, are like the superhero of the superfoods. Not only are they really healthy and low in calories but they boost good gut bacteria. This can help relieve unpleasant GI issues and it can help reduce the risks associated with high-blood pressure, inflammation, and diabetes. Research even shows that having good gut bacteria can also help ease depression.

Broccoli and Cauliflower

Part of the cruciferous family of vegetables, broccoli and cauliflower are powerful anti-inflammatories as well as a rich source of vitamins A, C and K, folate, and antioxidants. Because they are high in fiber and water, they also help your GI tract run smoothly. Broccoli is also a great source of B vitamins!

Beans and Legumes

We may have all heard the childhood song Beans, beans, the wonderful food, the more you eat the more you….While this may have been hilarious as kids, the health benefit of eating beans and legumes is no laughing matter! Loaded with fiber and protein, beans are a powerhouse when it comes to good digestive health. They can help improve your good gut bacteria and promote metabolic health, and decrease your risk of colorectal cancer. Plus, they can be easily used to make hearty meals.


Low in calories and high in fiber and anti-inflammatory properties, beets have risen in popularity over the past decade. They can be served raw, juiced, boiled, or steamed and you can often find them as a tasty ingredient to gourmet salads. Interestingly, they are also believed to be able to increase exercise capacity during high intensity endurance exercise.


Rich in fiber, protein, Vitamin E, omega-3, and all nine amino acids, hemp seeds may be small but they are powerful. Three tablespoons contain neatly 10 grams of protein, which makes them a very filling addition to yogurt parfaits, oatmeal, salads, and more. Flaxseeds are another delicious option that can be added to a wide variety of foods such as avocado toast, salads, cereal, overnight oats, baked goods, and more.


This funny looking vegetable is loaded with protein, fiber, prebiotics, vitamins, and minerals. They may help improve liver health, regulate blood pressure, and improve cholesterol levels. They are very filling and can be used in salads, dips, or served on their own.


Often seen as simply a tasty garnish on pizza, basil is a powerful anti-inflammatory that can increase your immunity and respiratory system. If that’s not enough, basil is also believed to relieve chronic stress, boost your mood, and it can even increase your memory. It also has antibacterial and microbial properties that can fight germs and bacteria.


High in Vitamin C and electrolytes, lemon can help increase the functionality of your liver and kidneys. It also helps your body make collagen for your skin, and absorb iron, while supporting your overall immune system. Lemon juice can be added to water, steamed vegetables, fish, or desserts for a little extra kick and a lot of health benefits!


Avocados burst onto the culinary scene about 20 years ago. Since then, people have found ways to incorporate it into salads, sandwiches, and smoothies. Avocado is a superfood that contains healthy fats, antioxidants, and almost 20 different vitamins and minerals. Avocado helps promote digestion, fights inflammation, and keeps you feeling full longer than many other foods. As the icing on the cake, avocado also has anti-aging properties.

Are you ready for the next steps?

We hope that this list of superfoods has inspired you to start incorporating these into your diet. If you want to take the next steps towards a healthier you, schedule your free medical evaluation here and we can help you get your weight loss goals on track.