Proven Results

The team at Transition Medical Weight Loss of Salem, New Hampshire, believes the more a weight-loss plan fits within individuals’ everyday lives, the more likely they are to stick with it and, ultimately, to achieve success in reaching — and maintaining — their health and fitness goals. That’s why, despite the tremendous achievements already realized in its inaugural year, Transition Medical Weight Loss continues to seek ways to normalize and personalize the weight-loss experience for every person who walks through its doors at 22 Main St. — and even for some who don’t.

For around $30 a day — about $5 more than what many people spend daily on just food alone — patients signing on to the Transition approach receive not only tasty, high-protein, low-fat and moderate carbohydrate meals, snacks and drinks, but also body composition analysis and lab work; individualized nutrition and exercise plans; supplements, including vitamin B12 shots, to boost energy and metabolism; and weekly seminars on topics such as navigating the grocery store, making smart choices when eating out, the benefits of exercise on weight loss, the emotional challenges to weight loss, and hypnotherapy.  

Perhaps most importantly, clients meet weekly with a team of experts motivated to help them on their journeys. These half hour consultations, which are included in the program, can occur within the Salem office or online via the Transition Anywhere program, which utilizes HIPAA friendly software to allow patients to stay connected and accountable through weekly check-ins, even when traveling for business or pleasure. 

The program also allows people who live outside the Greater Salem area to join this fast-growing weight-loss phenomenon and receive meal shipments and a bariatric scale in the mail at no extra cost. 

Of the multitude of patients currently enrolled, 100% have lost weight. Their successes have been significant and none have quit. Of those who have reached their goal weight, nearly 90% continue on the maintenance program. Transition clients have collectively shed 3,000 pounds to date and the program has earned a 5-star rating on Yelp.  In fact, it’s so successful that its director, Dr. Azar Korbey, is already receiving referrals from outside primary-care and specialist physicians who send their patients to Transition Medical Weight Loss to lose weight either before surgery or to help control and improve medical  conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea and heart disease. 

Korbey acknowledges the journey of weight loss can be discouraging at times, but believes the team of professionals at Transition plays an integral role in encouraging people to remain committed. 

Korbey, an American Board-certified doctor of family medicine, earned his undergraduate and master’s degrees in biology as well as his medical degree from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. 

Giving people plenty of pathways to succeed is key, says registered and licensed dietitian Cheryl Francis, who graduated from the University of New Hampshire with a Bachelor of Science in nutritional science and a minor in kinesiology. She aims to empower her patients to take control of their own health. Many are surprised to learn that medications they have relied on for years— for conditions such as high blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol and joint pain— are no longer needed.  

Equally impressive are the changes to quality of life. People are so happy when they can do things with ease that they couldn’t do before, like playing outside with their kids or animals, she says. 

Francis points to one gentleman who was so thrilled he was able to buy a two-seat convertible that he had always wanted, but never bought because he couldn’t fit comfortably in the seat before now. She also recalls the unabashed excitement of two brothers who were finally able to swoosh down a zipline. 

“It’s very rewarding,” she says.  Dr. Rhonda Hodge, a nurse practitioner board certified in both primary care and psychiatry who recently completed her doctorate with a focus on the effects of physical activity and nutrition on mental illness, agrees.  “Our clients truly are a part of the Transition family and as a team, we are excited to see them progress toward their goals,” Hodge says.  

Hodge helps patients deal with behaviors such as binge eating and self-sabotaging, so they can bring their physical, emotional and psychological selves into better harmony.  “Transition is the best part of my day and my favorite place to be,” she says.  

It’s this attitude that motivates the team to continue searching for ways to personalize the weight-loss experience. Clients can now choose from over 30 delicious entrees — from barbecue chicken and prime rib to mashed potato bowls and lo mein. A newly installed, on-site refrigerator offers a variety of freshly made, take-home salads, including Caesar, Cobb, chef, BLT and more.  

Korbey is currently in talks with local restaurants to encourage them to expand their menus to include selections that conform to Transition’s nutritional criteria. He’s also researching a vineyard in California that produces a zero-sugar, low-carbohydrate wine for patients to enjoy.  

Thanks to a new partnership with Choice Fitness, people who sign on to Transition Weight Loss for at least three months receive a gym membership and a session with one of the gym’s personal trainers. In addition, Joseph Zucchi, Transition’s board-certified physician assistant and personal trainer, also designs individualized workout plans for the group’s clients.  

With a master’s degree from Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in Manchester, New Hampshire, Zucchi, along with the other team members, meets with patients to discuss lifestyle changes, as well as to interpret their lab work, and can prescribe weight-loss medications, if necessary. Zucchi also provides personalized exercise videos along with resistance bands for people who may not yet feel comfortable exercising at the gym.  

“Our goal is to provide patients with a structured and proven system to help them lose weight effectively, improve their health and provide them with the support and knowledge to help maintain that weight loss for life,” Zucchi says.  “We’re trying to give them a great value for their investment,” Korbey adds. 

Costs for Transition’s all-inclusive program run between $880 and $1,050 a month, depending on enrollment length. There is also a payment program option where the cost can be spread out over several months, with no interest charges incurred. Discounts are available to firstresponders and active and retired military personnel.  

Transition Medical Weight Loss Center offers free, 30-minute consultations at its Salem office for anyone interested in getting started or learning more. Individuals can also book an appointment by signing up online at