Healthy Reasons to Lose Weight

Aim to improve your overall health!

We all have various reasons for losing weight but should make sure we’re working toward healthy goals.  We first need to address other aspects of our health, such as our mental health, thyroid disorders or metabolic conditions. Losing weight because of the way we look isn’t necessarily the healthiest approach, instead we may consider some other reasons that could motivate us to lose weight. Our goal should be to look AND feel better.

Living A Healthy Lifestyle

Yo-yo dieting and any disordered eating is not good for your health. Aiming to have an overall lifestyle change involving healthy eating, exercise, and self-care is the key to a happy and healthy life. Discover healthy foods you love, find a physical activity you can enjoy on the regular, and focus on other aspects of your life that promote health and happiness. At medical weight loss programs like Transition, they will look at your overall health and work with you to treat any conditions that may be preventing you from feeling your best and losing weight.

Improve Your Mental Health

Besides the social impacts of being overweight, carrying extra weight can harm your mental health. In studies obese women had a 37% increase in occurrences of major depression. Obese patients in general also had a 55% likelihood of developing depression. Many mental health problems are linked to stress which is linked to overeating and weight gain. Work on improving your mental health in addition to losing weight and you will see longer lasting results.  At Transition Weight Loss our health coach and licensed mental health counselor can offer you guidance on how to improve your mental health.

Have More Energy

Weight gain can make you fatigued the same way being fatigued can make you gain weight. An increase in weight can make it harder to exercise and the chemical imbalances of dopamine in the brain can make it harder to control portion sizes. High leptin levels, or leptin resistance, can also increase the odds of having little energy. Studies suggest leptin affects physical activity levels leading to a sedentary lifestyle for those who are obese due to high levels in fat storage. Inflammation associated with obesity can also lead to fatigue as well. Therefore, losing weight can help you increase your energy levels due to it reversing chemical imbalances in your body.

Our medically supervised weight loss program can help you lose weight the right way and lead to long lasting results. Book your consultation today to find out more about our programs!