Why You May Not Lose Weight from Exercise Alone

Weight loss is a result of burning more calories than you consume. It doesn’t matter necessarily where those calories are from, though you should aim for good nutrition. Most people don’t realize just how much they eat and as a result the average American is now overweight or obese. A person of average weight only burns 100 calories per mile of running, which is only 5 calories more than a single apple.

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Obesity and Your Brain

One in every three adults in the United States is obese. While obesity has been linked to many health problems such as an increased risk of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes, it can also affect your brain. Studies have shown that being obese can harm your memory. Researchers hypothesize that inflammation could be the cause.

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Nutrition and Weight Loss

Are your vitamin deficiencies hindering your weight loss? Does taking certain supplements help you lose weight? Our patients often have many questions about nutrition and weight loss. Our dietitian, Cheryl Francis, can make sure you are getting all of the proper nutrition you need for your health.

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Proven Success: Why Medical Weight Loss Programs Work

The purpose of the program isn’t just to promote weight loss, it is also to improve conditions such as heart disease, type two diabetes, and other ailments associated with obesity. Dr. Korbey, who earned his medical degree from Georgetown University, designed the program using his medical knowledge and around his own weight loss success.

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