Non-Scale Weight Loss Victories

When it comes to losing weight, many people have a specific goal on how many pounds they want to lose. However, there are so many non-scale victories that come along with losing weight that you should really be giving yourself credit for! Non-scale victories are health improvements that come from the small changes that you are making in your daily life. Rather than just looking at a scale to see how much you are gaining or losing, non-scale victories give you a true picture of the progress that you are making.

You have increased energy.

When you begin losing weight, you are likely to experience a boost in energy. Not only will this make it easier to keep up with an exercise routine but there is a high chance that this will make you more productive throughout the day!

Your clothes fit differently.

During your weight loss journey, you will also begin to notice that your clothes fit differently. Things start getting looser and you could even find yourself dropping down a size or two. Although this may mean having to go to the store to buy something new, it proves that your body is beginning to transform, one step at a time!

You start admiring yourself in the mirror.

Many people hate looking at themselves in the mirror and begin to avoid them more and more as their weight increases. Conversely, when their weight begins to drop, they may find themselves no longer avoiding mirrors and instead start seeking them out! This increase in self-confidence can often be seen throughout all aspects of your life, from the boardroom to the bedroom!

You are able to focus better.

Carrying excess weight around can make you feel very sluggish as your body must work harder to function. Recent studies have shown that weight loss is linked to better short-term memory, faster mental processing, and an increased attention span.

You are able to do more of your favorite things.

Whether you love nothing more than playing with your kids, going on long hikes, or working around the house, you may find all of these activities become easier and that you can do them longer. This is a huge step in your weight loss journey and will serve as the perfect incentive to keep you working hard towards your goals!

Your sleep has improved.

Besides making you feel great throughout the day, losing weight can also help you sleep better. Whether this is due to a healthier diet or increased exercise, this improvement in sleep quality will make you feel better throughout the day, allowing you to make better lifestyle choices as you go!

You are in less pain.

Carrying a lot of excess weight can cause a lot of wear and tear in your joints. This can lead to increased pain when you are doing physical activity. As you begin to lose weight, you are likely to notice a decrease in the amount of pain that you feel in your load-bearing joints.

Ready to get started?

Do all of these things sound amazing but you just aren’t sure where to start? Give us a call at Transition Medical Weight Loss and one of our experts will be happy to help you take the first steps to a healthier lifestyle!