Secrets to Long-Lasting Weight Loss

Secrets to Long Lasting Weight Loss – Why Fad Diets Never Work

Over the years there have been many popular fad diets. Trendy diets promise instant, radical, and often unobtainable results. These diets often limit your food choices and harm your metabolism and health. Weight loss is rarely ever quick or easy. Our medically supervised weight loss program looks at more than just your weight. So many weight loss programs have an outdated approach. Medical weight loss programs look at all aspects of your health and lifestyle, including blood tests and your entire health history, in order to create a personalized and sustainable weight loss plan that you’ll be able to stick to long term. Sustainable weight loss doesn’t result from fad diets, it results from a total lifestyle change.

Here are the secrets to long lasting weight loss:

How Meal Plans Can Help You Lose Weight

Weight loss is about changing your habits and one of the most important things is consistency. Sign up for a meal plan like the one at Transition Weight Loss to add more consistency to your diet. A great way to manage portions, meal plans can help you avoid temptation because you will have pre-made servings and don’t have to cook on a daily basis. Eating fast food or restaurant food can lead to a diet high in sodium, fat, and calories. At Transition Weight Loss, our medically supervised program pairs you with a nutritionist to help you customize a meal plan to set you up for success. In addition, our maintenance plan can help you keep the weight off once you’ve reached your goals.

Get Better Sleep

Not getting enough sleep has been linked to weight gain and higher BMIs. Adults who get less than seven hours of sleep have a 55% likelihood of developing obesity. In addition, sleep disorders can also be worsened by weight gain. Poor sleep has also been known to increase appetite affecting hunger hormones like ghrelin and leptin. Cortisol, a hormone related to stress and weight gain was also higher in those that got less sleep. Poor sleep has even been shown to affect your metabolism, so make sure you are getting at least 8 hours.

Join a Community

Joining a community, either in person or online, can help you stick to your weight loss goals. Community can be in the form of friends, family, support groups, or exercise classes. Having support during your weight loss journey can make the process more rewarding. Community can be encouraging, hold you accountable, and further motivate you. At Transition Weight Loss we provide community support in the form of seminars, support groups, and many other different events. Sign up for our program and join our growing weight loss community.