Importance of Water and Hydration

Most of us know that our bodies are roughly 60% water and that we need to drink it to survive. However, few people realize just how important it is to drink enough water each day. Water helps regulate your body temperature, prevents infections, keeps your joints lubricated and your organs functioning properly, and delivers nutrients, and oxygen throughout your body. It also helps improve the quality of your sleep which helps you feel healthier, more energetic, and more refreshed. In addition, drinking enough water helps your digestive system eliminate wastes from your body and can make defecation easier if you suffer from constipation.

Drinking water also reduces the risk of dehydration and the negative side effects that come with it including headaches, nausea, dry mouth, fatigue, and thirst. Dehydration can occur when you lose as little as 2% of your body’s water content so it is really important to drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially if you are in a hot environment or are doing a lot of strenuous physical activity.

If this isn’t enough to make you want to keep a bottle of refreshing water with you everywhere you go, staying hydrated can also help you lose weight. Thirst is often confused with hunger and by drinking water instead of snacking, you can reduce the number of calories that you consume. Furthermore, drinking water can make you feel fuller longer so make sure to drink plenty of H2O before, during, and after every meal.

How much water should you drink?

Experts recommend that men and women consume around 16 cups and 11 cups of water respectively. If you aren’t a huge fan of drinking plain water, don’t worry. The water can also come from the food you eat such as fresh fruits and vegetables or from coffee or tea. No matter where it comes from, the important thing is that you consume enough water each day to allow your body to function properly.

Making the move to a healthier you

As you can see, drinking enough water is a very important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. If you would like to learn more about what other steps you can take toward a healthier future, check out our website to see how Transition Medical Weight Loss can help you develop a meal plan and fitness routine that works for you as well as help you monitor your progress with weekly body composition analysis.